I never got the chance to take everyone's portraits like I had planned in my head. What a great regret! This taught me not to take for granted the time I spend with those close to me. Here's what I ended up with at the end of the summer: some happenstance photos that I can call "portraits."
Not pictured: Cassi Nelson, Shawna Rollins, Heather Bird.

Raleigh McCool. Truly one of the greatest human beings I have ever known. I am blessed to still call him my best friend. Today he is changing lives with his ever-giving heart and compassionate love. One day he will change lives with his powerful words (buy his books a couple years from now!). My love for Raleigh is eneffable and good.

Noel Joy Naker. How appropriate that her parents chose this as her middle name. Noel is a beautiful woman and a bright spirit with a vast love for humankind, nature, and God. She is love, embodied.

Liz Witty. The Texan with a bright smile. Liz is brilliant and passionate: her love is pervasive. She makes me laugh.

Jacob Morse Bethel. One of the freest and most giving men I know. He made PSP unforgettable and will change the world one day.
Chelsea Danielle Crawford. She is beautiful beyond words and has a thirst for freedom.
Andy Glisson. A fellow southerner whose relaxed sentiments brought our group back to its roots. I love this man. He made me laugh every single day of my Portland summer.